Did you know they were from Crown Heights????

  • 2, 3, 4, 5 trains between Franklin Ave and Crown Heights - Utica Ave
  • A, C trains between Clinton-Washington and Ralph Ave
  • S Train (Brooklyn) between Franklin Ave and Prospect Park
  • There are also various MTA Buses

Nearby Attractions


200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY

At the Brooklyn Museum you can explore an extensive and comprehensive permanent collection that includes ancient Egyptian masterpieces, African art, European painting, decorative arts, period rooms, and contemporary art. 


990 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225

Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an urban botanic garden that connects people to the world of plants, fostering delight and curiosity while inspiring an appreciation and sense of stewardship of the environment.


Brooklyn, NY 11225

Prospect Park is the flagship park of Brooklyn, New York City. The Prospect Park Alliance partners with the City to preserve and maintain the Park.